
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sushi Time!!!

We see from the survey that 88% of participants are the sushi lovers and want to try some sushi at GyuButa Shabu. It's quite a big number of requests and it's very interesting and challenging to add some sushi into our menu, but how can it work???

Well, we are going to make some sushi to let our customers taste it and comment so that we will know what kind of sushi we are going to add into the menu!!!

On November 8, there will be an event 'Zaap Party Music Award' at J-park which we believe more than 400 people will participate. We are going to sell four types of sushi which are salmon sushi, shrimp sushi, crab sushi and california maki like the following pictures.  





This is the first time GyuButa offers you our sushi :))) Come to try them at Zaap Party Music Award on Thursday, November 8. 

Be the first person to get the taste of GyuButa Sushi!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

GyuButa Shabu Survey Result

We would like to improve our restaurant and get to know more about our customer's behavior, so we have created some survey to find out what our customers really think about us. Our target group is everyone around Thammasat University area who tends to be our customers.

Here are the questions and the results from 50 people participating in the survey .


There are 29 female and 21 male participating in the survey.


One of them is in the age under 19 years old, 45 of them are in the age between 19 - 25 years old and four of them are in the age between 26 - 40 years old.


The participants are mostly student which can be seen in the graph that 40 of them are student, while two of them are business owner and 8 of them are employee. 

Have you ever visited GyuButa Shabu and Japanese Restaurant?

It's quite a good sign for us that 45 of them have been to our GyuButa Shabu and only 5 of them which is about 10% have not.

For those who have been here, how do you compare GyuButa Shabu to other shabu restaurant that you have visited?

Three of them report that our GyuButa is totally better. The amount of people report that Gyubuta is better and same as restaurants they have been to are equal which is 17 people. Eight of them report that GyuButa is worse and One of them say we are totally worse. 

We accept and appreciate these answers and we promise to improve our GyuButa Shabu in order to be able to meet your standard :))  

For those who have been here, how often do you visit GyuButa Shabu on average?

20 of them visit us once every two months. 10 of them visit us once a month. Eight of them visit us twice a month and four of them visit us quite often which is once a week. Wowww this's interesting. 

We are so excited to here other results!!!

                 For those who have been here, what is the main  
                          reason that you visit Gyubuta Shabu?

16 of them say that it;s because of our quality. Four of them say that it's because of our price and service, while 12 of them say it's because of our location. The other reason that seven of them answer  is because they are our owners' friends.

For those who are our friends will get some privilege!! which is 10% discount. So now everyone wants to be friend with GyuButa's owners lol

                  Would you like us to have delivery service?

Wow here is other interesting result. 29 of them say they don't want
 us to have delivery service while 21 of them say they want.

For those who say yes, how much should we charge for a delivery service?

Five of them feel comfortable at 10 baht. Four of them are comfortable at 15 baht. 20 baht gets the most vote while eight of them are willing to pay at 30 baht.

Do you know that GyuButa Shabu also provide

 you more than 10 a la carte menu?

There are 18 people who still don't know that they can also order a la carte at GyuButa while 32 people have already known.

We need to promote our a la carte as soon as possible then.

Which option do you prefer when visiting GyuButa Shabu?

39 of them prefer our GyuButa Shabu Buffet while eight of them prefer our a la carte. There are 3 people say they have never been here.

Here is the question for our new MENU!!!!!

Would you like GyuButa to add some sushi into our a la carte menu?

44 of them say YES!!! and 6 of them say NO.

For those who say YES!!!, how much should we price our sushi if we provide one? Please select three options. 

23 people select 20 baht per one piece of sushi. 29 people select 55 baht for 3 pieces of sushi. 34 people select 85 baht per 5 pieces of sushi. 27 people select 140 baht per 9 pieces of sushi, and 23 people select 175 baht per 12 pieces of sushi. 

The other options that our customers offer are 10 baht per one piece of sushi, price between 350 - 650 baht for sushi buffet, and should be included in our GyuButa Shabu buffet. 

Your opinions have already reached our owners. We will consider them.

For now the three winners are  55 baht for 3 pieces of sushi, 85 baht per 5 pieces of sushi and 140 baht per 9 pieces of sushi.

Thank you very much for participating in our GyuButa survey.
Have a great day with full stomach!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Insight Q&A with the owners of GyuButa Shabu

1. Q: Who are the owners of GyuButa Shabu?
    A: There are four owners: Vithavin Srisukson,  Pitchayut Wattananon, Numpop Kulasopon and Punthanun Thanayupong.

Vithavin Srisukson
Pitchayut Wattananon
Numpop Kulasopon
Punthanun Thanayupong

2. Q: Who are you?
    A: We are senior students of Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University.

3. Q: How did you get together?
    A: Pitchayut answered that we are friends in the same faculty since the beginning of freshman year. We have a lot of things in common for example we like to eat shabu and Japanese food and want to start our own business. We also have different ways of thinking that can support our business philosophy.

4. Q: Why did you choose shabu buffet business?
    AVithavin spoke with confidence that it is because shabu is a popular trend nowadays. People, especially students, always love eating buffet as a group activity for friends and family because it's fun!!! Thai people also have a taste for Japanese food, so we think it is an interesting business to start off, even though some of us have never been to Japan.

5. Q: How did the business get started?
    A:  Vithavin said that at the time when we think of doing shabu business, we heard that there is a new dormitory named J-Park and also its community mall which is the first community mall around Thammasat University where we all study. We think that this is a good oppotunity that match with our desire, so we talked to the owner of the dormitory and asked for a rental shop. We are so lucky that the owner likes to support student activities, so they accepted us as an tenant.

6. Q: How did everything work out?

    A: Numpop explained that we divided works into four parts for each of us to be in charge of which are human resource management, raw material, finance and building maintenance. Even though we have our main responsibility, we still help each other when it comes to decision making. We work together as a good partner.

7. Q: How can you deal with the disagreement in the ideas? 
    A: Numpop answered that we talk with reasons. We use those reasons to persuade one another. The most reasonable argument wins. As we talk, we understand each other more and more, so we think that those disagreement cannot make us misunderstand each other.

8. Q: How do you feel so far about your business?  
    A: Pitchayut said with smile on his face that we are very proud of ourselves. Our business is going well. There are new customer coming to try everyday and our old customers also come back. Now we try to build customer loyalty in order to maintain our sales and try to have a well thought out strategy plan for our customers and business.   

9. Q: What did you get so far from this business?
    A: Punthanun proudly answered that we get to work together in real life situation where we need to deal with real employees, spend the real money, and serve the real customers. It is not like a group work in class. It is totally different. We get to feel the sense of working in the real world which is not always easy. We learn to adapt ourselves and our strategic planning to be survive in this business. We learn from our real experiences. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Here They Come

It is raining today, so the staff of Secret Flavor by Lipon F Show visits us late. But it's still a good day for our restaurant to step in the powerful media like television. This stratergy will help us promote our restaurant to many people especially those who watch GMM Music and Ken's fanclub. After the program is on-air, I promise to post the full version of the program especially the interview part on this blog for you guys.

Here are the photos while they are shooting.

We also introduce another dish which is Gyu Don or Rice with fried Beef on top. This is also recommented. Lots of people come to eat this menu, so we decided to also promote this through the program, because we want other to try our new, fresh and delicious food. At least we have a guarantee from consumers saying that our meat is soft and about to melt when it comes into their mouth.

This is Niku Teriyaki Don.

How to slice those meet??

We use a slice meat machine which can be adjusted to cut a piece of meat in lots of different sizes. You can see the process in this video.

This is behind the scene of those veggies in shabu menu.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Good News

Hello everyone. We have a good news for those who like a pop and rock band named Zeal. Prajya Meebumroong or Ken, the drummer of this band will visit our GyuButa Shabu as a host of Secret Flavor by Lipon F, a television program. His show will come to review and interview us about our main dish from a la carte menu, Salmon Steak Set.

If you guys are interested in being broadcast, please come to join us on the shooting day which is on October 8 at 2:00 p.m. 

We will tell you as soon as they get here on our Facebook fanpage!!!

Here is what our restaurant looks like.

Our customers enjoy eating.